Opening Doors

Opening Doors

With every publication, business deal, or party, Evergreen Media always slides to homebase, so it makes sense that our doors slide instead of hanging on hinges. Glance around the Evergreen office and you’ll see a lack of doors—and the doors we do have are hung from above to slide open.

While sliding isn’t the most conventional, it’s a traditional way doors are hung that has been revitalized to be on trend. Like the doors in our offices at Evergreen Media, our team is always open and receptive to new ideas. Whether it is our conference room doors on the shipping container opening up ideas for a creative brainstorm, or the doors on our offices hosting a creative production of all that is happening behind the scenes in our company – the sliding doors host an abundance of inspiration and imagination coming to life.

Sure, we may not have typical doors, but Evergreen Media will open doors for your business through our titles or the special project services we offer.

Let’s connect and share our ideas with you!


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