Blog : emotional intelligence

Enneagrams of Evergreen Media

Enneagrams of Evergreen Media

We talked about the Enneagram personality test recently, and touched on how it can highlight your personality strengths and areas for improvement. There are two basic truths the Enneagram test seeks to illuminate: the importance of self awareness for personal and professional development, and the appreciation of human diversity. Applying this to business, we find that knowing the personality types of the people we work with—as well as our own—can help us work together better as a team.

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Enneagrams & Business

Enneagrams & Business

When we think of intelligence, we tend to focus on concepts such as logic, reasoning, problem solving, and math/verbal/spatial skills. They are all important measures of human intelligence, but don’t tell the full story. Emotional intelligence is equally critical, especially when it comes to personal and professional success.

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