Blog : business

Buyer Personas: Understanding Your Audience

Buyer Personas: Understanding Your Audience

You’ve heard us say it before: know your audience. We’ve shown you how to crunch data, how to angle your social media, even how to think about your audience’s demographics. However, your customers are living, breathing people, with varied tastes and interests. How do you capture that and use it effectively? Enter the buyer persona, a method to think about who your target audience is on a personal level. We’ll look into their demographics, sure, but also their interests, goals, and buying patterns. 

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Why Content is King

Why Content is King

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “content is king.” Some claim it’s an overused cliché, but those who work in the marketing industry are well aware of the power of words. The idea that content is central to all other marketing efforts first gained traction nearly a quarter century ago, but is every bit as relevant today.

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5 Ways to Keep Company Culture Alive

5 Ways to Keep Company Culture Alive

Growth is good for your company. It means more customers and more money…and more employees to keep up with the demand. Change is inevitable when small companies expand, and many worry that maturity and growth will disrupt company culture. This doesn’t have to be the case; growing smartly will help ensure you keep your corporate vision alive while maintaining your culture and values. Doing so will allow you to embrace the future instead of longing wistfully for the “good ol’ days.”

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How (and Why) to Calculate ROI

How (and Why) to Calculate ROI

The marketing world is full of acronyms. B2B, CTA, KPI, PPC, SEO…the list is seemingly endless. And you thought social media was confusing, LOL! Learning what these mean ASAP (bet you know that one!) is essential in helping you achieve your business goals, but it involves more than just memorizing abbreviations. You might already know that ROI stands for Return On Investment, but if you don’t know how to track ROI, you won’t know whether your marketing efforts are making an impact. We’re pretty sure you’d rather spend your budget on campaigns that are profitable, so we’ve put together a blueprint showing you how to track your ROI.

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