The Power of Visual Content

The Power of Visual Content

While content is king in marketing, the type of content used can make or break a marketing campaign. Most Americans are visual learners, which means visual content is a powerful tool.

Our brains naturally ingest information visually, and we process visual material exponentially faster than text. All of this adds up to one thing: visual content is the fastest and most efficient way to reach your customers. Visual content can include photos, but also infographics, branding, and videos.


With photography, it’s important to invest in high-quality images. You may use a simple photo off your phone occasionally, but a good rule of thumb is to only use these photos for things like social media. Spaces like your business website or promotional materials should have professionally taken or retouched photos. Using low-quality images can make your entire business presence feel like an afterthought to customers, which means they’re less likely to engage with your products. 

There are websites that provide vast libraries of stock imagery you can use for your business as well (Unsplash and Pexels are a couple of our favorites). These images are free or low-cost, which allows you to have professional-grade images without blowing your budget. However, many people use the same websites for imagery, so you may see people using the same picture as you have. To avoid this, try scrolling down the page when you search for an image. Most people will pick a photo from the first couple results, so moving down the page a bit will make it less likely for you to use the same image as another website. 

A word of caution: depending on your business, using too many stock images can make your online presence feel impersonal. Original photography will draw customers in by showcasing the unique aspects of your brand. It can also help them to put a face to your brand. 

Need help with professional pictures? Drop us a line! We’d be happy to assist.

Graphic Design 

Infographics and branded images or logos are another visual element that you can implement in your marketing. 

Infographics are simply images that have text and data incorporated with them. Well-designed, aesthetically pleasing infographics increase interest in your business because they present information in an easy-to-digest format. They’re easy to share on various platforms like social media and online ads. They’re particularly useful if you have a product or service that you need to explain in detail; an accompanying infographic can simplify the information to keep your consumer from feeling overwhelmed. 

Branded images or logos are more simple than an infographic and essentially serve as a marker that identifies your business to customers. This doesn’t have to be complicated; think of companies like Apple or Nike, their logos are simple but instantly recognizable. You don’t have to be a huge corporation to use logos successfully, either. Effective branding tells the story of your business — and more importantly, influences customers to do business with you. Using a strong visual brand or logo grabs potential customers’ attention and builds a foundation your repeat clients will learn to recognize and trust.  


While videos can be more time and resource intensive, the return on investment is worth it. Videos are the fastest-growing sector of visual content, and the most impactful. Studies show that simply having a video on your website can keep audiences engaged and on your page longer than other visual content. Luckily, technology available today makes quality video content more attainable than ever.

If you’re creating your own videos, here are a couple quick guidelines for quality results: 

  • Be easy to understand
  • Stay short and to the point
  • Be unique but not over-the-top
  • Explain the point of the video early on and include a call to action
  • Include your business contact information

If your video is going to be a prominent part of your marketing, it’s highly recommended that you invest in a high-quality production. Videos taken on your cell phone are alright for occasional use on your social media, but anything else should be done using professional equipment and editing. This will ensure your lighting is flattering and your sound is balanced so customers can focus on what you have to say rather than be distracted by poor production quality.

Ready to take your visual content up a notch? We offer a full range of services, from photography and videography to graphic design and branding. Contact us today to see how we can help you get to the next level!

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